Late Fee Policy
Those on a recurring membership, which means a membership that is automatically billed either monthly or every 4 weeks (depending on the specific membership) will have a late payment fee of 10% on failed payments that are not settled within 48 hours of the original due date.
If you are aware that your payment may fail then please contact us via email at info@aerialgymnasticslondon.co.uk with at least 48hrs notice and we will do our best to be as accommodating as possible, note our office is open Monday - Friday, so you must contact us at least 48hrs in advance, within our working hours.
£65 payment due Monday, January 9th.
Contact AGL in advance to discuss payment options, this would need to be done on or before Thursday 5th January (48hrs in advance, within our office hours)
Payment fails on Monday 9th, an automatic email is trigged to notify the customer
Client makes payment by Wednesday 11th, no further action taken
Client fails to make payment by Wednesday 11th, 10% fee (£6.50) scheduled to be billed the following day (Thursday 12th).
Client must now pay the full £72.50 to resume classes within 48hrs (Saturday 14th)
If full payment is not made and there has been no contract from the client, their membership will be cancelled and class space lost. If the client would like to resume classes, they will then be required to purchase a new membership or rejoin our waiting list. Note, if your membership has a commitment period then this will re apply.