Kids Memberships FAQs
What is the monthly cost?
We charge £45 per month for kid's classes, regardless of the number of classes within that month. Plus a one off joining fee of £10. Our fees are calculated on an annual basis, and split between 11 equal payments (no charge in August). There are 39 weeks of classes per year.
This means we do not offer reductions for months with less than four classes, or charge more for months with more than 4 classes.
When are fees due?
Fees are due on the 15th of every month to cover classes for the next month. For example, you would pay your fees to cover classes for March on February 15th.
There is no charge for the month of August. Fees for September are collected on the 15th July. No payment is collected in August. We do not run classes during half terms or summer holidays, instead during these times we run holiday camps. For more information on our holiday camps please click here.
Do you offer trial classes?
Whilst we don't offer one-off trial classes, we do offer a pro-rata refund if you do not want to continue after your first class. This means if after one lesson you would like to stop you will just pay for that lesson! After 2 or more lessons if you would like to stop for any reason, you will not be able to receive a refund for the remaining classes that have already been paid for, but you can cancel your membership to avoid any future payments being taken.
What happens if we are late?
We have a strict latecomers policy. Any children who arrive after 10 minutes of the class beginning will not be allowed to participate due to missing the warm-up. This is strictly nonnegotiable.
What happens if I miss a class?
We do not refund classes in case of any absence, including sickness, holidays, or in the event you are late and denied entrance. We would, of course, refund any class canceled by us.
Do you offer discounted classes?
We offer grants to those unable to afford aerial classes. For more information and an application form please click here.
What if we want to cancel our membership?
This membership can be cancelled at any time. To cancel your membership the request must be made via email to info@aerialgymnasticslondon.co.uk once received we will cancel your membership and ensure no further payments are taken. All previous payments are strictly non-refundable.
If I leave and come back, do I have to pay the joining fee again?
No! The joining fee is a one-off administration fee, you will not be charged again should you wish to leave and rejoin at any time.