About Us
Aerial Gymnastics London (AGL) is London’s leading aerial school combining gymnastic and circus elements within the same class. Based in East London Beckton AGL was originally founded in 2017 as a safe environment for children and adults to learn new skills.
Here at Aerial Gymnastics London, we offer our members a comprehensive learning environment, filled with a variety of support and enjoyment. Our team members will go the extra mile to give you the tools needed to grow and succeed.
All fitness levels and bodies are welcome, we pride ourselves in being an inclusive studio. To meet our team and inspiring coaches please see the information below.
Nathalie Alison - AGL Founder
After starting gymnastics and dance (ballet & tap) from a young age, I went on to compete in gymnastics whilst also taking my dance grades exams. I was lucky enough to discover circus arts at age 13 where I then began straight away. As a child whose parents were unable to finically support my circus dream (yep, I knew straight away it was the thing for me!) I was lucky enough to receive full funding to train at National Centre for Circus Arts in London. I began training on their LYC (London Youth Circus) aged 13 and finished at age 17. At the age of 16, I then went on to study circus full time which resulted in me gaining my L3 Diploma in Circus arts. With this course coming to an end but my willingness to learn more not yet finished, I moved to Italy at age 18 to further my circus training for 1 year at Cirko Vertigo in Turin. Since finishing my training I've been lucky enough to go on to perform as a professional aerialist both nationally and internationally.
In 2017 I set up AGL as a safe space for children to learn circus skills, in the hope to inspire the younger generation as I was once inspired! From just 1 weekly class a week for children, we now have multiple classes for both children and adults. With gymnastics being my foundation for my aerial training, this is where "Aerial Gymnastics London" was born. I strongly believe the foundations of a gymnast can make an amazing aerialist. During our classes, we focus on building strength and flexibility to help complement our aerial training. My aim is to continue to grow AGL and be able to offer a more varied range of aerial classes.
In 2020 we added a grant scheme to AGL offering discounted (up to free) classes for children who otherwise would not be able to afford their classes. The decision to start this was our hope from day one, however, we never had the funds to put into this program. We now take a % of our profit each month to put into our grant scheme. This scheme is completely self-funded and something I think is very important to offer. I hope with time we will be able to support even more children with their training... as I'll never forget, if someone didn't support my training I wouldn't be writing this today.
Here at AGL, we have an amazing and ever-growing team. Please do take the time to "meet your instructor" and learn a little more about their background and experiences as a circus artist by clicking on an image below.